Fees / Rates
Desktop valuations start from £200 + VAT
Help-To-Buy valuations - £175 + VAT
Shared ownership valuation - £175 + VAT
Independent valuations start from £250 + VAT
Probate valuations start from £350 + VAT
Marital valuations start from £450 + VAT
Desktop valuations start from £200 + VAT
RICS Level 2 Home Surveys without a valuation (i.e. survey only) are charged at the following rates -
1 bed property £350 + VAT
2 bed property £375 + VAT
3 bed property £400 + VAT
4 bed property £425 + VAT
5 bed property £450 + VAT
We may charge a premium for high value properties.
RICS Level 2 Home Surveys with a valuation - as per above plus £100 + VAT
We offer a same day service (both valuations and RICS Level 2 surveys ) for an additional £50 + VAT
invoices have to be paid prior to the inspection taking place.
You'll find our bank details on your invoice.